Our Weekly Services

Every week, we have opportunities to connect and grow your relationship with our Father and with our community.

Wednesdays @ 7pm (AKST):

Freedom Night

Weekly teachings based off of Dr Art Mathias’ book Biblical Foundations of Freedom. Join our amazing teachers as they present and help us understand what it means to be free!

You can watch our Freedom Night classes live on our YouTube channel and watch past classes by clicking here.

Torah Class

Join Pastor Pat Hadley as he studies the Torah and and discusses it for Hebrew understanding.

You can watch our Torah Classes on our YouTube playlist by clicking here.

Fridays @ 7pm (AKST):

Shabbat Worship Service

Join us every Friday evening (Erev Shabbat) to worship the Father, learn from His Word, and fellowship with one another.

You can watch our Shabbat service live on our YouTube channel and watch past sermons by clicking here.

Freedom Kids

Freedom Kids classes are available for children from 3-11 years old. During our worship time, the children are given a special blessing and impartation and released to attend their own worship time and classes.

The Well Youth Ministry

For youth from 7th-12th grade, join Pastor Taylor as he works with the youth, in their separate sermon time, through applicable Bible passages and discuss what it means to walk with the Father